The Simplest
Path to an IBS Diagnosis
Order Sample Collection Kits
Sample collection kits contain phlebotomy materials and pre-paid return shipping. Order below.
Collect and Ship Blood Sample
Receive Results
Collect a blood sample using the at-home blood draw device included. Ship the sample to our CLIA-certified lab for testing.
Easy-to-interpret results are available seven days after receiving the sample. For assistance, contact support@ibssmart.com.
*Due to New York state restrictions, we cannot process your order if the patient resides in New York state.

Complete the form below to place your order.
IBS-Smart Blood Test Results
Dr. Mark Pimentel
Executive Director of the MAST program at Cedars Sinai.
Positive for IBS: Next Steps
Food poisoning is confirmed as the root cause.
A diagnosis available in a few days allows you to progress to treatment quickly.
Counseling the patient for food poisoning prevention is important because antibodies can elevate further.
Non-Indicative of Post-Infectious IBS
The patient may have an illness other than IBS.
The patient could still have IBS, but it may not be post-infectious in nature.
This is a patient best suited for additional testing to help determine another cause for symptoms.
Looking for more information about interpreting IBS-Smart results?
Still Have Questions?
What is the cost and coverage?
The maximum patient responsibility for IBS-Smart is $249. A claim is filed on the patient’s behalf. Patients with private insurance plans are responsible for the balance not covered by insurance. Medicare and Medicaid patients will not be billed any balance. PLA code 0164U is billed for IBS-Smart.
Is this test covered by Medicare/Medicaid?
The test is covered in part by Medicare and Medicaid, and we do not balance bill Medicare or Medicaid patients.
Can I dropship a kit to my patients?
Yes, you can. You just need to fill out the order form above with the patient’s address.
I don't offer blood draw services. Where can my patient go?
Your patient’s IBS-Smart kit will include an at-home sample collection device that they can perform on themselves.
How soon will I get test results?
Results are typically ready 7 days after receipt of the blood sample.
Where is the test conducted?
The test is run at our CLIA-certified partner lab, PacificDx, in Irvine, CA.